
Congratulations on the site of the specialized school for preschoolers “Malyatko”.

Our institution is an innovative preschool educational institution whose task is to provide intellectual and psychological training of children to study in schools of a new type.

School for preschoolers “Malyatko” works under author’s programs, which are approved by the Institute of Pedagogics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The school is located in the Pechersk district of the city of Kyiv.

The task of the private kindergarten “Malyatko”:

1. – Preschool education of children
– Intellectual development of children under the author’s programs of the advanced level, approved by the Institute of Pedagogics of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

2. Psychological adaptation of children to school:
– Formation of motivation to study;
– Adaptation to school life;
– Development of communicative qualities, skills development, ability to work in a team;
– Development of attention, memory, companionship, and more

3. Development of the child’s creative personality:
– Using multilevel programs;
– Application of an individual approach to each child.

Children of preschool age (from 2 years old) are enrolled in kindergarten.

The program includes the following subjects:

– Native language;

– Development of language;

– Mathematical block:
a) development of logical thinking, arithmetic operations, design, modeling;
b) familiarity with the elements of algebra, geometry;
c) work on a computer;

– English:
a) the development of dialogue and monologue speech;
b) reading;
c) the letter;

– Children’s World Literature, mythology;

– Fine arts with elements of art studies;

– Music;

– Choreography;

– Children’s theater

– Psychological trainings.

Author: admin

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