Oriental martial arts.
Oriental martial arts.
Martial arts – a complex of methods and means of military-physical training and education of a warrior. They consist of a core program of military affairs, as well as methods and tools for developing skills and abilities for artistic level management of individual, group and collective hand-to-hand combat without weapons, using improvised means, cold and firearms. It adds skills and abilities of victorious hand-to-hand combat in all conditions and against any opponent to protect the spiritual and moral-ethical ideals of mankind.
This definition applies to the applied level of martial arts.
More primitive, you can consider martial arts as a diverse system of training and traditions, aimed at fighting in a certain way. Although acquired in these arts, skills and knowledge are used for different purposes, all martial arts have the only common goal: to defeat an opponent physically or to protect themselves. Some, including oriental martial arts, are closely linked to spiritual or religious beliefs and philosophies such as Buddhism, Taoism or Shinto, while others have their own spiritual or material code of honor.
Each style has unique features that make it different from others. And yet, the general characteristic of martial arts is the systematization of techniques of combat. One of the common methods of training, especially in Asian martial arts, is “form” or “kathi”, which are groups of techniques that are carried out independently or at times with a partner / partners.
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