Conducting a conversation about the meaning of correspondence in the lives of many prominent people
The teacher emphasizes the attention of the fifth-graders on the fact that the letter is the creativity of each person, but there are the basic rules for conducting correspondence: a polite tone of communication, attention to the addressee (to whom the letter, telegram, parcel etc. is addressed), ability to write about myself briefly , about others – more and more, the ability to write about interesting facts and events, be sure to respond to received letters.
Attention is drawn to the fact that in the letters, as in speech in general, man’s personality, his mind, knowledge, the level of culture and upbringing manifests itself.
Actualization of reference knowledge of students
The teacher offers fifth graders to recall the basic rules of communication and the requirements for broadcasting (work with monuments).
Requirements for broadcasting
logical sequence;
Basic rules of communication
Be courteous, friendly and friendly;
carefully, without interrupting, listening to the interlocutor;
encourage him to express his opinion;
interested and friendly listening;
be able to express disagreement with the position of the interlocutor so as not to offend him;
do not speak loudly without need;
do not use rude words;
Talk about what’s interesting for the addressee.
IV. Deepening students’ information about the letter as a genre of speech
Work with theoretical material
Read the text. What recommendations should be followed when writing letters?
Most people write letters almost automatically: tell about their health, work or study and ask about relevant facts from the life of the person to whom they are applying. But from the construction of the letter, from the words that the author will get, a lot depends on the response of the addressee, his mood.
The author first addresses the person to whom the letter is addressed. Depending on the content, as well as on the degree of closeness between those who write, different epithets are used in recruiting: dear, honorable, high-ranking, dear, etc. The noun, which means the person to whom they are turning, must stand in the cliche: brother, sister, mum, Ivan, Galino. If the appeal is expressed by the combination of the name and patronymic, both words are used in the clique case: Ivan Petrovich, Galina Dmitrievna.
When the people who speak are spoken to each other, this word must be written in capital letters.
Address to the addressee may be complicated by greetings-wishes, which precede the treatment and epithet: a good day, greet and under. For example: “Good day, dear friend!” Or “Hello, Alex!
The author then talks about his life, health, family news, and things of common interest. He asks to write what is new in the person to whom he addresses, and endorses the letter with the wishes of health, happiness; conveys greetings to relatives and acquaintances.
Of course, there may be deviations in the layout of the statement, due to certain circumstances, but for people with normal relationships characterized by goodwill, respect expressed by language cliche – greetings, wishes of well-being (According to E. Chuck).
Based on the advice of Evgenia Chuck to make a memorial “How to draw a sheet.” To complement the monument with its own recommendations on handwriting, cleanliness, literacy of the design of the letter, its composition.
To supplement sentences with necessary words or phrases
1) The letter, as a rule, must begin with ….
2) Letters are mostly sent ….
3) Envelopes must indicate ….
4) The address must be written ….
5) You can not wet your tongue ….
V. Collective work with sample texts
Read the letter from the work of Vsevolod Nestya “Pashka-chobatar”. Pay attention to the construction of the letter (the beginning, the main part, the ending), his linguistic design.
Dear Pasha!
Sorry what happened. I will not be able to come to the New Year. Very serious business is busy. You know So I’ll be late. But you do not mind. New Year will definitely bring you happiness. I believe in it. He must be happy this New Year. And it will be really new.
My comrades convey to you a great hello. They just wonder how smart you are. I’m probably coming soon. And you know, if you do not mind me, I will take you from the workshop and live together. Do you want Meanwhile I pass on a small New Year’s Eve. I kiss you firmly.
Taras Ivanovich
What do you think, what emotions caused the letter to the recipient. Did Paul reassure the author of the letter? Did he make him happy?
Expand the value of the words of the addressee and the addressee, using the glossary if possible.
Listen to the letter. Find out who he is addressed to. To justify his opinion. Add a letter to the application.
How are you? How is grandma and grandfather?
My dear ones, I got to the camp successfully! The first day was a warm summer rain. But in the evening there was a wonderful weather.
On the morning of the next day, the sun warmed up like never before. After breakfast, we went to the sea to swim. Vodichka was warm and tender. In the evening, a light wind blew.
I think you will come to me on the weekend.
My dear, I have everything well. Do not worry! I am waiting for a letter from you.
Your darina
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