Topic 1. Music and art of the word.
Lesson 2
Theme of the lesson. Means of musical expression. Rhythm. Tempo. Work on the song “Oda Pisni” by O. Antonyak. Listening to music. L. Revutsky “Song”
Purpose of the lesson: to establish with the children the means of musical expression in practice, using vocal and rhythmic exercises; to develop a sensation and a sense of rhythm in children; to raise interest in the music of Ukrainian composers.
Type of lesson: combined.
Equipment: tables, tape recorder, phonograph, portrait by L. Revutsky.
Course of the lesson
I. Organization of the class to the lesson.
1. Music greetings (the one learned in the first lesson).
2. Reminder of the rules of singing.
3. Announcing the topic of the lesson.
II. Dissemination and activation of the basic knowledge of the students.
1. Singing “Temp”, which was studied in grade 4.
– From this episode, children, we remembered that music could sound at different speeds. And the speed of performance of the musical work is called the pace. What are the pace?
– Slow, moderate, fast.
– And what other means of musical expression you already know, that is, those tools that give music a certain emotional color and determine its character?
– Timbre, dynamics, rhythm.
– And what is the rhythm?
Rhythm is a sequence of sounds of different or equal durations.
– And now play the game, which is called “Recognize the rhythm”.
The purpose of the game: to teach children to play a rhythmic pattern and develop a sense of rhythm.
Gameplay: A few rhythmic patterns are written on the board. Someone of the students goes to the board, chooses a certain rhythmic pattern and flutters it, and the children must know which pupil chooses this drawing under which number.
III. Work on the song can begin as follows:
– Children, and who can flush the rhythmic pattern of the song we studied in the last lesson?
– You see, it’s a bit hard for you to sprinkle the rhythm of this song. Why?
(Because here there is a note with a dot, that is, the dotted rhythm).
– Let’s sing the first couplet of the song, at the same time reproducing its rhythmic pattern.
Then I learn the song by phrases, working on the purity of the intonation, watch the correctness of breath, the pronunciation of words. Those who wish to comment on the rating.
IV. Listening to music can start a conversation about what they have already learned about the song, what significance it has in human life. And to continue the conversation with the fact that the song arose as a result of a combination of two types of art – words and music. We have already found out that there are vocal works without the literary text (“Vocalization” by S. Rachmaninov). And there are musical works for some instruments, also called songs. They are intended not for singing, but for instrumental execution.
Ukrainian composer Levko Revutsky wrote a piece entitled “Song”.
– Listen carefully to this essay and answer the questions:
– Does this music have an intonational development?
– What kind of character?
– What is the difference between these two works (with “Vocalization”)?
– What unites them?
– What kind of feeling is this work?
V. Summary of the lesson.
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