Art therapy.
Art therapy.
Art therapy is a type of psychotherapy and psychological correction, based on art and creativity. For the first time this term was used by Andrian Hill in 1938 when describing his work with patients with tuberculosis and was soon widespread.
In the narrow sense of the word under art therapy usually refers to the therapy of fine arts in order to influence the psycho-emotional state of man.
Gradually, during the twentieth century, art therapy becomes an integral part of social measures of preventive and rehabilitation, medical, psychotherapeutic and pedagogical practice.
Art therapy provides an opportunity for an individual to express himself in “other voices”: movements, color, form, plastic, clay, landscape.
Art therapy, first of all correction, change of mode, or concrete transformation of the image, replacement of the method in a more balanced and healthy way. Everything you address is the image and energy of the subject for psychotherapy.
Art therapy, correction of the method of synthesizing the health of the Soul and Body, formed in a single integral image of the idealization of health. Fine Art: One of the methods of Art Therapy.
One of the main definitions of the Art: the spiritual and practical development of the world. Then for Art therapy we add another definition: the direction in the art dealing with conscious correction of the “image of the health of the object of influence” towards even more psychophysical health. Taking into account that naturally all and so “varieties of influences”, the basics of Art therapy, it would be good to make bases for media workers, so that media workers do not psychologically infect a destructive image of the media audience. Do not inspire destructive images of the media audience.
In the definitions of Art Therapy, sometimes from the Specialists of Art Therapy, the clan’s mafia habit is considered: “Only we determine what Art therapy is.” A psychologist is different from a psychologist not only with the level of personal development, but also a diploma. But the diploma too is too small: one needs to deepen himself, not only in therapy, but also in expressive means of expression, including the visual means of expression in Screen Art when it comes to Screenwriting Art from the point of view of the Art Therapist. To go deep into the psychology of algorithms and the sequence of the process of creativity of screen art, to go deep into the psychology of the process of the creative and technological line of screen art, to the psychology of the creative and financial line of screen art. Without such analytical knowledge, a psychologist or psychotherapist discussing the product of the production of the Opera, similar to a psychiatrist, was given to speak about what he saw from afar, and he builds himself a mocking-graduate specialist in Screen Art.
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