The problem of teaching speech at all stages of learning a foreign language is one of the most pressing problems in the method of teaching a foreign language. Learning monological language – an extremely complex process. A monologue statement is considered as a component of the communication process of any level – paired, group, and mass. This means that any monologue is always addressed to someone, even if this addressee is the one who speaks, although in structural and many other ways his species is rather specific. As for the dialogic form of communication, this is the most typical form for the display of the communicative function of the language, which involves the ability to conduct a conversation, engage a conversation in order to obtain the necessary information and find out for themselves certain issues.
Learning to speak as a productive process requires students to construct a statement based on the situation of communication, as well as a complicated methodological task, since mastering them is associated with the greatest difficulties for students and requires a great deal of time and effort from both the teacher and the students. However, these time and effort costs pay off if the students master this activity at an initial stage on a strictly worked minimal material that provides a motivational level and a reliable basis for the development and formation of abilities of monologue and dialogical speech at the middle and senior stages, as well as in the formation of other types speech activity.
The problem of teaching monologue and dialogical speech was considered by many methodologists, among which one can distinguish the works of V. L. Skalkin, G. V. Rogova, I. L. Bim, I. Zimnaya, G. Y. Zimina and L.K.Markelova , J.I.Passova, SLZakharova and many others.
In this course work is considered the most rational, in my opinion, the system of teaching foreign language communication students general school, developed in the light of the latest methodological research and concepts in this area of didactics.
The purpose of the work – on the basis of the analysis of methodological literature on the given topic, to study in detail the methodology of teaching monologue and dialogue speech in all stages of teaching English and, taking into account the characteristic features of speech, as well as psycho-physiological and psychological characteristics of students, to identify the most effective approaches to teaching monologue and Dialogue broadcasting of pupils in general education, which would contribute to the main goal of learning – the implementation of social order of society.
The purpose and subject of the research determine its main tasks:
1) to study psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of studying students of general education school;
2) to study the linguistic features of monologue and dialogical speech;
3) to determine the basic approaches to learning the skills of monologue and dialogical broadcasting of students of a secondary school;
4) on the basis of the most rational approach to offer fragments of lessons on the formation of abilities of monologue and dialogue speech at the middle stage of study.
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