Early Child Development

Early Child Development

Early development of a child is not only an early reading and an account, as is commonly thought. First of all, this development of the basic mental functions – attention, imagination, memory, logical and spatial thinking, the ability to analyze and generalize. This is not filling the little child’s head with unnecessary information, and the creation of a certain intellectual base, will become a strong foundation for further successful learning, will make the child’s psyche resistant to school stresses.

Early development of the child is daily small and large discoveries, this is a surprise and admiration, this is a huge world of childhood. These are the first inept drawings gouache and watercolor, crayons and pencils. This is the first experiments with water and sand. This is all that brings together adults and children, helps them learn from each other, makes them better and more spiritual.

We offer the development of the child in the form of a game, full of musical and physical pauses. Classes are held in small groups that are as close as possible in age. At the end of each lesson, an interesting creative task is required.

We pay special attention to developing games that are aimed at developing perseverance, long-term memory, rich imagination, expressive speech and logical thinking. In developing games we use both well-known classical techniques and modern ones, as well as authored innovative pedagogical technologies. But at the same time, we do not forget that every child is individual, and that’s why we try to find the most appropriate way for our own style of knowing something new.

In our educational institution a comprehensive program of classes is applied, which includes:

1) development of memory, attention, thinking, speech, using the leading methods of early development, which are aimed at the interest and ease of the child’s perception of the material;

the Montessori method;
Nikitin’s technique;
the methodology of Suzuki and Kadai;
the method of Bereslavsky;
Deneves methodology;
the technique of Mochad Shichida;
Cuisener’s method;
Doman’s method;
Tyulenev’s technique;
Zaitsev’s methodology;
the technique of Cecil Lupan;
the methodology of Voskobovich;
Rudolf Steiner’s method;
the technique of Skrabtsov, Lopatin;
Zankov’s method;
Elkonin-Davydov’s technique;
Howard’s technique;
the methodology of Masaru Ibuka;
the technique of Amonashvili;
the methodology of Maria Gmoshinsky and others;
2) development of fine motor skills;

3) development of communication skills;

4) development of coordination of movements and sense of rhythm;

5) development of imagination and creative abilities;

6) familiarization with the environment, etc.
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